Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The one where twisted means delicious.

I knew there had to be a recipe out there that called for cubed beef other than the bizillions of recipes I've come across for beef stew. I just had to find it. And find it is what I did. It's super easy, too. You probably already have all of the ingredients in your kitchen right now. If you don't, you should put them on your shopping list. Now.

"Sweet and Tangy Twisted Beef" (6 quart pot)

~1 pound of cubed beef (the original recipe called for 2 pounds, but I unintentionally halved it because I mistyped my grocery list.)
~1/4 cup soy sauce
~1/4 cup brown sugar
~1 cup salsa (I used Newman's hot)
~3/4 cup frozen kernel corn

Mix first 4 ingredients in a medium bowl.
Pour into greased crock pot.
Cover and cook on low for 9 hours.
Add corn 30 minutes before the end of the cooking time. Cover and cook on low for remaining 30 mnutes.

It's sweet. It's tangy. I don't know what's "twisted" about it, but damn, it's good. My other half puts it in his top 3. I am most definitely making this again. Not making it again might be a divorce-able offense.  

1 comment:

  1. This would easily make my top 5 crocked meals. Easily.
