Saturday, August 13, 2011

"Boy, those French, they have a different word for everything!"

My breakfast carb of choice is and always will be French Toast. Yes, making it takes about 15 minutes on the stove top, BUT I'll try to crock almost anything, so I was super excited to try this.

"French Toast" (6 quart pot)

~1/2 loaf of bread (I used Arnold's 12 Grain)
~6 eggs
~1 t vanilla extract
~2 c milk
~1/8 t salt
~1 t cinnamon
~1/8 c brown sugar
~your favorite fixins

Add bread to greased crock pot.
Whip all other ingredients together in a medium bowl.
Pour mixture over bread.
Cover and cook on low for 6 hours.
Remove lid and let cool for 15 minutes.

4 servings.

Without any fixins, it looks like this:

This was pretty good. We thought it would've been better if it was a tad more eggy. Still, you can't REALLY go wrong with French toast, can you? Yum.

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