Monday, August 29, 2011

It's not easy bein' green.

Putting together a Muppet themed first birthday party for my little helper was not easy.


You could make your own Swedish meatballs. You could go to IKEA and buy some of theirs. Or you could do what I did and find some at BJ's. (Costco or Sam's Club might have them, too. I have no idea.)

"Easy Swedish Meatballs" (6 quart pot)

~bag of frozen Swedish meatballs from Bj's
~2 c water

Dump bag of meatballs into crock pot.
Add water to pot.
Cover and cook on high for 4 hours.

12 servings.

Bork bork bork!

In all of the excitement of my little helper's birthday party and impending hurricane Irene, I forgot to take pictures of the meatballs. Close your eyes and imagine a small ball of cooked ground meat. Voila.

These were a huge hit. Surprisingly awesome. Even the birthday boy couldn't get enough of them!

Here's a picture of one of the birthday cakes instead. (Thanks, Jung!)

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