Monday, August 29, 2011

Nice 'n' easy.

Last Thursday (was it really THAT long ago?), I made "Easy Ribs". They were so easy, my little helper could have made them while I watched.

"Easy Ribs" (6 quart pot)

~enough ribs (beef or pork) to fill your crock pot most of the way
~bottle of your favorite bbq sauce

I used 2.5 lbs of pork ribs and Bullseye Hickory Smoke bbq sauce.

Place ribs in crock pot.
Add bbq sauce.
Cover and cook on low for 10 hours.

2 servings

You pretty much can't go wrong with slow cooked meat and bbq sauce. 'Nuff said.

AND I made apple crisp for dessert.

"Easy Granola Apple Crisp"

~2 cans apple pie filling
~2 1/2 c granola cereal
~1 1/2 t cinnamon
1/3 c sugar
~1/3 c butter, melted

Dump pie filling into greased crock pot.
Add granola.
Add cinnamon.
Add sugar.
Add butter.
Cover and cook on low for 3 hours.
6 servings.

This was good, but not great. I like using fresh apples in my crisps. Perhaps it would've been better if I'd actually thought to buy cool whip or vanilla ice cream. Grr.

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