Wednesday, October 26, 2011


"Almond Chicken" (6 quart pot)

~2 C water (the original recipe listed chicken broth, but I hadn't realized we were out so I substituted)
~2 strips cooked bacon, crumbled
~2 T butter
~4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
~1/4 c dried minced onion
~1 (4 oz) can mushroom pieces, drained
~2 T soy sauce
~1/2 t sea salt
~2 celery stalks, sliced diagonally
~rice, cooked
~1 c slivered almonds, toasted

Combine all ingredients except rice and almonds.
Cover and cook on low for 8 hours.
Serve over rice and garnish with almonds.

4 servings.

This was really good. The almonds. Yum. My other half thinks peas would be a good addition, so maybe I'll do that sometime. AND maybe I'll actually check to make sure we have chicken broth ahead of time.

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